Birthday 2024

Posted on April 26, 2024Comments Off on Birthday 2024

So next week is my 45th birthday. Gosh darn! getting old over here. Anyhow, I have a few things I have to get done. One is that I have to lose weight. And no, it’s not an I want to lose weight situation. I have to. Why? I am seeing a doctor about losing weight and taking medication. I now have to lose 3 pounds in the next 4 weeks of they will no longer give me the medication. Hence the reason why I have to lose weight. If memory serves me this is the 3rd time, I am taking meds to lose weight. The other two times I lost a lot in the first three months. But also, that was all the time they would give me on the medication. This time around if I lose weight continually, I am allowed to stay on the medication. But I have to lose a specific amount every three months. So now it is crunch time and I have to lose 3 pounds this month to complete this cycle. Not impossible and not unobtainable. But for different reasons this time around has been a lot more challenging than the others. Perhaps because I am working 2 jobs and getting very little sleep. Not finding time to work out, having to make up all the hours that I go to class. Still plodding away on my PhD. But no excuses!! Next week is the last week of the school semester and I will have a week off before the summer semester begins. But during the summer I will not be taking in person classes, and I will only be taking 3 classes which will make my life easier, I think.

Another thing that I hope to do is exercise more. I did run 2 races in April, more like walked, but who cares. One was a 4.5-mile trail run, and the other was a half marathon. The second was a killer. The inner soles of my shoes wore out, which I came to discover after the race and when I had huge blisters on the bottom of both my feet. They have finally healed for the most part and this weekend I have a 5k run. So, 3 runs in April with little to no training at all. Let’s just say that the run was the training and race all in one. Well, the goal is to do better in May. I have considered starting a new Instagram and TikTok account for this new year of mine to track workouts and goal reaching. I also want to get into kettle bells. hmmmm!

I will try to post on here more often and get this blog rolling. Should have done it a long time ago! Wasting time and money here. Oh well, life just happens over here and I am busy as can be!

Talk soon! Abigail